Codename: Kids Next Door

Taking numbers instead of names, five extraordinary 10-year-olds form a covert team called the Kids Next Door with one dedicated mission: to free all children from the tyrannical rule of adults.

Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: 1

Duration: 0h 11m

Release: 2002

Rating: 8.2

Season 1 - Codename: Kids Next Door
"When the villainous Mr. Wink and Mr. Fibb extend the adult swimtime to extreme lengths at the neighborhood pool, the Kids Next Door plan to strike back with a vengeance."
"A little kid named Kenny takes Chimpy to Professor XXXL's lab. While the Professor suspects Kenny will knock open the mysterious disease containers, it is actually Chimpy who causes the havoc."
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"An adult named Lasso Lass (who keeps acting like a kid) wants to help Sector V defeat Mr. Wink and Mr. Fibb."
"When turnips are found everywhere in Sector V's treehouse, they go to the source: a giant turnip, to defeat it."
"After Numbuh 2 beats a mini-golf champion at mini-golf, the golfer shrinks Numbuh 2, and a whole lot of sights from around the world."
"When his father brings Numbuh 4 to work for \"Bring Your Daughter To Work Day\", Numbuh 4 discovers his father's boss plans to send him and all the daughters of his coworkers to Pluto."
"A fellow operative, Numbuh 30c, is sent to help Sector V stop a villain from using a weather machine to make no more snow days for school. It turns out that he was not helping, because he sent them the wrong directions, ignored their cries for help, and sent a missle to attack them."
Season 2 - Codename: Kids Next Door
"Numbuh 4 accidently destroys Numbuh 3's favorite toy, and then lands himself in the clutches of the creepy old cat lady and her billions of cats! Will his fellow operatives save him? And will Numbuh 3 forgive him in time TO save him?"
"When the drinking age of root beer is raised to 13, the Kids Next Door swing into action, delivering soda to speakeasies for youngsters. But soon the Kids discover the prohibtion's leader, Mr. Fizz, has something even more sinister in store. Can the Kids Next Door stop Fizz from bottling up children everywhere?"
"After spending a stretch in the slammer for spanking the wrong child, the vampiric villain Count Spankulot vows to use his abilities to help children instead of harm them, and approaches the Kids Next Door with an offer to join them! But when the former Bounty Hunter of Bottoms turns out to be more annoying now than he ever was as a villain, how will the KND get rid of the Pesky Paddler?"
"The Delightful Children From Down the Lane are holding a social, and the KND are invited! Smelling a rat, Numbah One and the team decide to go for a reconaissance mission - and as the only one without a date, he brings Lizzie along. But when the Delightful Children spring their trap, Lizzie becomes more of a hindrance than ever. Will Numbah 1 prevail? Will his relationship with Lizzie survive?!"
"Numbuh 5 is sick at home with the flu, and Numbuhs 1 and 2 take it upon themselves to protect her from the enemy. While at her house, her father lets it slip that teenage sister Cree is wearing a training bra! Ever suspisious of teenagers, Numbuh 1 figures that this odd device must be \"Battle Ready Armor\", and becomes determined to discover the workings behind it. But when the two of them are discovered, can even the Kids Next Door survive the wrath of a humiliated teenager?! And could there be more than meets the eye in this lingerie liason?"
"On a seemingly routine mission, Numbuh 2 seizes a truckload of disgusting tapioca pudding from a trio of masked teenagers; unfortunatly, when trying to dispose of it, he plants it right in the middle of the treehouse! Now the team is up to their necks trying to clean up the putrid pudding, and the original teen-age owners still want it back! But why? Only Numbuh 2's grandmother knows for su"
"When Numbuh 4 is sickened by the cutsey \"Rainbow Monkeys\" double feature movie that the team goes to, he tries to theater-jump into to R-rated \"Violence: The Movie,\" and after several unsuccessful tries, he makes it in disguised as an adult. But triumph turns to tragedy when he discovers that what promises to be a cool film is actually a front for a meeting for practically every villain that the KND have ever faced! And when his diguise fails, will Numbuh 4 escape this sinister cinema and leave room for a sequel?!"
"It's Numbuh 3's birthday! Her party seems to go well, until the team hears her birthday wish - to lead the team on a mission! Hoping to make her happy, Numbuh 1 quickly makes up a simple task for her - to retrieve a Kid's Meal from the new fast food place, the Burger Frenzy. But Numbuh 3 gets more than she bargains for when she discovers that, in this case, \"Kid's Meal\" actually refers to the main ingredient of the meal!"
"The KND learn about evil moustaches taking over the faces of their fellow KND down south as well as adults."
"While on a fishing trip with his overbearing, sousaphone-playing father, Numbuh 1 has to rescue him from a kid seeking a father of his own."
"Everbody knows that ice cream comes in three basic flavors - chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry. But Numbuh 5 knows only too well the legend of how the ancient ice cream monks created a FOURTH basic flavor, and hid it away in a hidden temple, where only an ice cream lover with the purest taste buds could ever taste it. But when the Delightful Children steal the sacred Golden Scoop, Numbuh 5 finds herself dragged to the trap-laden temple, where the evil children force her to penetrate its inner sanctum. Will Numbuh 5 prevail in this frozen frenzy and get a taste of the fabled Fourth Flavor?!"
"It is a clear case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde when Numbuh 2's attempt to create a formula to strengthen hamsters causes him to transform into a teenager and back! Thrown out of the treehouse by his unknowing teamates, he seemingly finds solace when he runs into Numbuh 5's evil sister Cree, and she develops a crush on him!"
"It is a sad day in the treehouse, when Chubbo, one of the KND's power-providing hamsters passes away; and it is saddest for the overly sensitive Numbuh 3, who even maintains a vigil at his grave until the weather proves inclement. But unwise is the one who mourns too long for the dead, because during the dark and stormy night, a gang of ghostly hamster arrive, and drag the terrified Three to the hamster afterlife! Now the team must penetrate the very netherworld to rescue their friend, but can even the KND overcome a mob of restless rodents?!"
Season 3 - Codename: Kids Next Door
"Numbuh 4 learns he is to be sent to a boarding school - but he isn't worried, as he's always escaped from them before. But then he learns that the school is being run by the evil child Madam Margie, a girl who is getting high-tech aid from none other than her future self! Madam Margie's abominable plan is to create a twisted utopia where girls rule the world, using a demonic weapon called the girlifying ray that can turn anything feminine! The team seeming doesn't stand a chance - until they recieve aid from a strange source - Numbuh 4's OWN future self! Now the team must defeat this fiendish femme fatale and save the future, lest inter-gender relations between boys and girls perish forever!"
"The Team attempts to crash the Annual We Hate The Kids Next Door Barbecue, only to find that the party has far more villains than they can handle! The team flees in their M.E.G.A.R.A.G.E aircraft, but Stickbeard and his band of buccaneers do not give up pursuit! When their craft is shot down by the Sweet Revenge, they land in the worst of places - in the middle of the ocean, in a disgusting sargasso of asparagus! Stranded, lost, with no edible food, a bad situation gets much worse when they are found by a great white aspargus monster! And when the vile vegetable seeks to make them its prey, all hope seems lost. Can their be any escape from this savage sprout?!"
"Nigel is exhausted and dirty after a hard mission, and when he takes a break, Lizzie intercepts a mission spec from Numbuh 65.3. Deciding to give Nigel a break, Lizzie tricks the rest of the team into thinking Nigel put him in charge, and assumes the role as leader. But Lizzie i"
"The evil Chester is developing his Happy Headband, a strange device he plans to sell to parents to keep kids \"\"out of their hair.\"\" Numbuh 1 breaks into his lab and steals it, but when escaping on his G.A.R.G.O.C.Y.C.L.E., Chester shoots him down. The operative lands on a strange island which seems to be a children's utopia - lakes are made of soda, candy grows from trees, you can have birthday cake for dinner, and best of all, no adults! But soon, Numbuh 1 r"
"It's time for the morning commute to school, and for once, Numbuh 4 is anxious to go, mostly because he has a crush on the new teacher. But on the way to school, the bus is attacked by kids dressed by cowboys packing chewing-gun loaded six-shooters, demanding the students' spelling homework! Now Numbuh 4 pursues the bandits outside, while Numbuh 5 engages them on the bus itself. Can they save the day before first bell? And who is the brains behind these delinquent desperadoes?!"
"The Delightful Children kidnap the team's classmate, nerdy, spit-talking \"\"Leaky\"\" Leona, and force her to lead them to the dark underbellies of the school. Alerted by Numbuh 5, the team follows them, and find themselves in an ancient school, laden with deadly booby traps. Avoiding them all, the team finds Leona, strangely aged to an old woman, who leads them to the mythical Fountain of Youth! The KND are amazed at the prospect of remaining ten years old forever, but the Delightful Children desire nothing less than to destroy the Fountain, claiming that the goal of all children should be to grow up. Can the Kids Next door save the supernatural spring? And what strange secret is \"\"Leaky\"\" Leona hiding?"
"Feeling that Numbuh 1 must take a day off, the team force him to go to the beach, telling him to have fun or else. Nigel makes an honest attempt - until a crab swipes his swim trunks! After suffering a great amount of public embarrassment, 1 makes his way back to the Treehouse... and minutes later, walks out of his room to tell his terrified team that he's resigning from the Kids Next Door! After he leaves, the purpose becomes quite clear... an envelope is found in his room from the Delightful Children, with a picture of his tush and a note saying \"\"Leave your team behind or we'll put your behind in the school yearbook.\"\" Now Numbuh 1 is heading for Delightful Manor, where the evil peeping toms desire to make him one of them! Can the team save their leader from the sadistic shutterbugs?!"
"At the KND Arctic training facility (the second largest KND base in existence, and location of the top secret KND Code Module), young cadet Tommy is"
"The true history of the genesis of the Adult-Child conflict is revealed. This is the story the Adults do not want you to hear."
"Numbuh 86 is having a top-secret girls only slumber party. Numbuh 4 is willing to find out what the slumber party is all about even if it means having to put on a little make up."
"Numbuh 2 has set up a private eye office in the school janitor closet, and soon he gets his first case - someone is inflicting students with bad cases of pink-eye! When Numbuh 86 becomes the latest victim and he gets no help from Joe the hall monitor (his old partner before he joined the KND), 2 does some of his own deductive work - until Joe attacks him. When he confronts the crooked monitor, Joe himself is attacked, and 2's investigations lead him to the school nurse - who appears to be using the students' illness to make the topping for crumb cake! Can Numbuh 2 close the case on this crummy cake caper?!"
"Numbuh 3 takes her little sister Mushi for a ride through the Rainbow Monkey Sugar Coated Castle of Love, but what promises to be a day of fun is ruined when King Sandy and his knights attack! The insane sovereign has never given up in his quest to marry Numbuh 3, and he threatens to destroy the Rainbow Monkeys unless Kuki agre"
"It's the Delightful Children From Down The Lane's birthday again, and that means it's time once again for the Kids Next Door to make off with their fantastic cake! But when the plan to egg the Delightfuls to submission goes afowl, the Kids must decide whether the cake is really worth it."
Season 4 - Codename: Kids Next Door
"Numbuhs 2 and 5 must rescue the first grade class's pet rabbit before it is turned into a chocolate bunny by Heinrich Von Marzipan."
"The villains attempt to capture the KND Treehouse, but the Toilenator, trying to be helpful, only hinders their plans."
"The KND are dismayed to discover that Grandma Stuffum is the new cafeteria lunch lady and she's got some pretty nasty recipes to foist on her pint-sized nemeses."
"A dinner get-together between Numbuh 2 and Numbuh 3's respective families turns sour when Numbuh 3's Posh Party Rainbow Monkey doll is badly damaged with a fork in its back. Now it's up to Numbuh 2 to figure out the murderer of the doll."
"Numbuh 4 discovers a chicken nugget that initiates a chicken nugget rush."
"The Kids Next Door have the misfortune of swapping the Toilenator to Mr. Boss with the unlucky Numbuh 13, who informs the operatives of the adult villains' plans for a macaroni dinner by ransacking a museum of macaroni art."
"Numbuh 4's newly-installed backyard pool is the portal into an alternate dimension where everything is the opposite of everything in the real world."
"The Delightful Children From Down the Lane decide to give their birthday cake to the winner of the annual Tubathon race and everyone is eager to go for it. No one is more eager than Numbuh 2, who plans to use his old tube, Betsy, and \"farfegtubing\". But are the Delightfuls keeping their word about the cake or are they luring the competitors into a trap?"
"The brothers Gilligan have gotten a new babysitter: the villainous Cree Lincoln! For Numbuh 2, this will either be a dream come true or a nightmare."
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Season 5 - Codename: Kids Next Door
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