
"A family ruthless in its quest for power and passion"

The world's first mega-soap, and one of the most popular ever produced, Dallas had it all. Beautiful women, expensive cars, and men playing Monopoly with real buildings. Famous for one of the best cliffhangers in TV history, as the world asked "Who shot J.R.?" A slow-burner to begin with, Dallas hit its stride in the 2nd season, with long storylines and expert character development. Dallas ruled the airwaves in the 1980's.

Season 1 - Dallas
02 Apr 1978
"Bobby Ewing and Pamela Barnes shock their respective families when they reveal they have married. This revelation renews an age-old feud between the two families, and J.R. Ewing, Bobby's ..."
09 Apr 1978
"After hearing Ray trying to pawn the job off on one of the ranch hands, Pam gets more than she bargained for after arranging to see that Lucy gets to school when Lucy takes matters into her..."
16 Apr 1978
"When Cliff gets his hands on a document proving dirty dealings between a state senator and Ewing Oil, he turns it over to the State of Texas for investigation. But, after finding out about ..."
23 Apr 1978
"A bad storm blows into the Dallas area, along with a couple of strangers from Waco who look to get even with JR and Ray, who seemingly took advantage of their own women the previous night. ..."
30 Apr 1978
"When Pam reveals that she is pregnant, the Ewings try in vain to mend fences with Digger Barnes at the family barbecue."
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"No description"
"No description"
"No description"
"No description"
Season 2 - Dallas
23 Sep 1978
"Jock and Miss Ellie's middle son, Gary, a recovering alcoholic, returns to Southfork after a long absence. Meanwhile, Lucy discovers her mother, Valene (Gary's ex-wife), working at a diner outside of town."
30 Sep 1978
"J.R. tries to drive Gary off of Southfork again."
07 Oct 1978
"Bobby's childhood sweetheart Jenna Wade is in trouble after being exposed as the mistress of important businessman Maynard Anderson. Bobby helps her to get a new place to live for her and ..."
14 Oct 1978
"Infuriated by Bobby getting stonewalled by his brother, JR, Jock confronts JR about it and suffers a heart attack during the process. While Bobby fills in at the ranch, JR takes it upon ..."
15 Oct 1978
"After over seven years of futility of becoming a mother, Sue Ellen decides to attempt adoption behind JR's back. After finding a young woman who's willing to give up her baby, Sue Ellen ..."
21 Oct 1978
"Pam's secret comes out when her ex-husband returns to Dallas after having been locked in a Vietnamese prison camp and several years in a hospital. Only her ex-husband, Ed, claims that their..."
28 Oct 1978
"Young Lucy's upcoming birthday party has everyone excited for various reasons, except Lucy, who can't even invite her mother to the party. It's only after she decides to run away and takes ..."
05 Nov 1978
"When Cliff announces that he's running for State Senate, it puts the Ewing clan on high alert and gets a candidate of their own. Things get ugly when Pam inadvertently tells Jock and Jr ..."
12 Nov 1978
"A routine flight back to Dallas turns hairy for JR and Bobby when they run into a storm. But when the storm forces the plane down, things get even more hairy around Southfork when Miss ..."
"Jock insists on minding the office while JR goes to Washington, D.C. for more reasons than just business..."
26 Nov 1978
"Ray has fallen for Garnet McGee, the hottest new country singer in town, but she is ambitious and her career comes first, so she turns her affections to rich J.R. who gladly offers to finance her music. Ray becomes dangerously jealous."
03 Dec 1978
"Bobby's college pal, Guzzler, shows up in Dallas and lights up Bobby's eyes like he did when they were in college. But when they team up in a construction deal, it's Pam who feels like she's on the outside."
17 Dec 1978
"Bad guys, looking to make a quick buck, attempt to kidnap JR and get Bobby by mistake. To make matters worse, the kidnappers insist on only dealing with Cliff Barnes, which irritates JR to no end."
07 Jan 1979
"Miss Ellie's long-lost brother, Garrison, returns to Southfork, putting Miss Ellie in Heaven but Jock and JR through Hell, as they believe that the elder Southworth has designs on regaining..."
"While having lunch with her friends, Sue Ellen spots JR with another woman (again). Infuriated, she packs her bags and leaves Southfork..."
"Due to her erratic behavior and alcoholism, Sue Ellen is sent to a sanitarium. When she is able to escape, Sue Ellen delivers her baby following a near-death experience. Meanwhile, Bobby begins to suspect that Cliff is the father of Sue Ellen's baby."
Season 3 - Dallas
21 Sep 1979
"Sue Ellen returns to Southfork and neglects returning to Dallas to visit her son, much to the chagrin of the rest of the family. Bobby takes it upon himself to run interference for JR when ..."
28 Sep 1979
"The family gathers itself at Southfork after the baby is kidnapped. Bobby goes after Cliff, thinking he's taken JR's son, while Jock is sent on a wild goose chase. JR, meanwhile, gets a ..."
05 Oct 1979
"Digger Barnes returns to Dallas and collapses in Cliff's apartment which is followed by a visit to the hospital and it's revealed that Digger carries a neurological disease that turns out ..."
12 Oct 1979
"Valene returns and tries to win a resistant Lucy's understanding. Pam discovers she is pregnant and struggles with how to tell Bobby about both the baby and her own recently discovered genetic disease."
19 Oct 1979
"Kristin convince J.R. to give her a summer job at Ewing Oil and begins flirting with him in earnest. Bobby learns Pam is pregnant, but not about her genetic disease. J.R. makes a business deal that may put Southfork at risk."
26 Oct 1979
"Jock, Bobby, J.R. and Ray take time off to go on a hunting trip. Once there they encounter a farmer who Jock strong armed 40 years ago and who is seeking revenge. Afraid he might not make ..."
02 Nov 1979
"Bobby becomes close to the son of one of the ranch hands. Pam tries to find a way to tell Bobby about the risk to their unborn child. J.R. becomes suspicious of Sue Ellen and hires a detective to follow her."
09 Nov 1979
"The Ewings host a rodeo. J.R. uses the event as an excuse to further his plans to destroy Cliff and openly flirt with Kristin. Digger uses it as an opportunity to see John Ross III, who he ..."
16 Nov 1979
"Jock confesses his secret to Miss Ellie, which cause her to fear telling him about her cancer. J.R. continues his plan to undermine Cliff. Sue Ellen meets Dusty Farlow again."
23 Nov 1979
"Lucy throws herself at Alan Beam, who sees her as a ticket to the good life. Pam and Bobby fight over J.R.'s attempts to ruin Cliff. Bobby learns about the Asian oil deal and the mortgages J.R. has taken out and tells Jock."
30 Nov 1979
"A typhoon delays drilling in Asia as J.R.'s loans become due. Cliff resigns from the Office of Land Management to run for Congress. Ellie makes a massive sacrifice to save Southfork and Ewing Oil, but blames J.R."
14 Dec 1979
"Sue Ellen's lack of interest in her baby causes tensions throughout the family. Jock scrambles for a way to stop drilling on Southfork. J.R.'s gamble with the Asian oil leases comes to an ..."
20 Dec 1979
"Gary and Valene return to Dallas with the news they are getting re-married and moving to California. J.R. and Kristin go on a 'business trip' and are interrupted by Kristin's ex-boyfriend, Rudy."
21 Dec 1979
"J.R. tries to convince Jock to send Bobby back to Ewing Oil instead of coming back to work himself. Pam and Bobby fight over how much time she spends at the store. Pam gets a promotion. Ray gets back together with Donna Culver."
"Bobby and Pam leave Southfork. Meanwhile, J.R. is shot following the nationalization of the Asian oil wells which ends up ruining competing oil wells."
Season 4 - Dallas
07 Nov 1980
"A cleaning woman finds J.R. unconscious on the floor outside his office; he's been shot. Police search for evidence as to who shot him."
"J.R. recovers in the hospital. Bobby takes over Ewing Oil. Sue Ellen worries because she blacked out the night J.R..."
21 Nov 1980
"Sue Ellen is charged with attempted murder, but the charges are dropped when the real assailant reveals herself and her shocking secret."
28 Nov 1980
"Pam resents the time Bobby is spending at work. Bobby tries to impress Jock by buying a refinery for Ewing Oil. J.R. tries to sabotage Bobby"
05 Dec 1980
"Jock is caught between the feuding Bobby and J.R. Miss Ellie insists Jock keep Bobby at Southfork whatever it takes. Bobby makes a deal for Venenzulan oil for the refinery. Lucy introduces Mitch to her friends."
12 Dec 1980
"Bobby has a setback at Ewing Oil. Ray Krebbs' father, who ran out on the family shows up looking for money in return for telling Ray who his father really is."
19 Dec 1980
"Bobby has to deal with an extortionist threatening to blow up the Ewing 23 oil field, a task that is complicated when J.R. takes a hand in things. Ray discovers that Donna is seeing Cliff."
02 Jan 1981
"Pam's detective believes he has found her mother, but the reunion does not turn out as Pam has hoped. Lucy asks Mitch to marry her. J.R. continues to plot against Bobby."
09 Jan 1981
"J.R. encourages Jock to make a business investment he knows will interfere with Bobby's plans. Pam resents Bobby's obsession with Ewing Oil. Lucy announces her engagement to Mitch, which doesn't meet with her family's approval."
"Lucy is getting married. But the happy event is clouded by Bobby's resignation from Ewing Oil, and Miss Ellie's frustration with Jock over Gary."
30 Jan 1981
"J.R. hires a public relations consultant, an attractive woman, to improve his image. Bobby gives up Ewing Oil. Sue Ellen toys with cheating with an old college beau. Things start to get rocky between Miss Ellie and Jock."
06 Feb 1981
"J.R. takes steps to finance overthrowing the government that nationalized his Asian oil fields. Leslie Stewart continues to resist his advances. Bobby tries to buy a solar energy company, ..."
13 Feb 1981
"J.R. takes the reins of Ewing Oil in earnest and starts to wheel and deal. He calls in markers to keep Cliff out of political office. Sue Ellen believes she is being followed."
20 Feb 1981
"J.R.'s counter-revolution brings the oil wells back under private control, which reconciles him with the cartel. Ray proposes to Donna. Mitch and Lucy continue to fight over money. Sue Ellen discovers Dusty Farlow is alive."
27 Feb 1981
"Donna and Ray get married. Miss Ellie discovers Jock is one of the backers of a development she's been campaigning to stop. Bobby hires Cliff to be his consultant. Lucy gets a modeling job, further upsetting Mitch."
13 Mar 1981
"Bobby gets caught between Jock and Miss Ellie. Pam's mother reappears. J.R. is manipulated by Leslie Stewart."
27 Mar 1981
"Jock and Miss Ellie contemplate divorce. J.R. hatches a plan to sell Ewing Oil to avoid seeing it broken up in a divorce settlement. MItch continues to resent Lucy's \"Young Miss Dallas\" job..."
03 Apr 1981
"Bobby finds a compromise on the Tapaka project, but this fails to reconcile Jock and Miss Ellie. Ray and Donna confront Miss Ellie about what they suspect is the real problem. J.R. makes ..."
10 Apr 1981
"Jock and Miss Ellie go on a second honeymoon, which is bad for J.R.'s plan to sell Ewing Oil. Donna threatens J.R. when he sets Ray up for failure. Cliff is conflicted about meeting his ..."
17 Apr 1981
"Kristin returns. Dusty and Sue Ellen reunite. Lucy moves out of the condo. Cliff brings evidence against J.R. to the senate committee. J.R. plans his divorce. Cliff meets with his mother."
Season 5 - Dallas
"J.R. & Cliff recognize the corpse in the Ewing pool, then promptly accuse each other of murder."
"J.R. and Cliff testify about the death. J.R. tries to take advantage of Sue Ellen leaving the Southern..."
23 Oct 1981
"J.R. uses Miss Ellie to gain access to the Southern Cross and John Ross. Ellie and Clayton meet and agree the custody issues is not their fight. J.R. threatens Sue Ellen and when that fails tries to convince Ellie to kidnap John Ross."
06 Nov 1981
"Pam goes missing. J.R. starts a new plot to blackmail the Farlows into making Sue Ellen leave but buying up all the available crude to destroy their refinery. Bobby gets a letter with a ..."
13 Nov 1981
"Clayton Farlow stands firm against J.R. Pam begins psychiatric treatment. Kristin's lover sells Bobby the child's birth certificate and checks Kristin received from Texas. Pam meets her sister Katherine."
20 Nov 1981
"Bobby talks to Jordan Lee who denies being the father of Kristin's baby. Clayton refuses to throw out Sue Ellen, despite J.R.'s control of the oil.The price of oil starts to drop, making J.R.'s plan much riskier."
27 Nov 1981
"Ellie receives a legal document from Jock that affects control of Ewing Oil while he is in South America. Ellie gathers the family, including Gary and Val to explain what it means."
04 Dec 1981
"J.R. finds himself in financial hot water and must broker an extension of his loan. Cliff takes advantage of J.R.'s hot spot to get some concessions. Pam is allowed to leave the hospital and visit Southfork."
11 Dec 1981
"Miss Ellie decides to give Ray a loan to help him out and discovers what J.R. has been up to. Sue Ellen realizes Dusty won't be happy with her and leaves the Southern Cross. Bobby buys ..."
18 Dec 1981
"Miss Ellie calls the family together to vote on whether J.R. should continue as president of Ewing Oil. Bobby tries to figure out a way to adopt baby Chistopher without Pam figuring out who..."
01 Jan 1982
"Miss Ellie plans the annual Ewing Barbecue to celebrate Jock's return from South America. Lucy invites Mitch to the party but is annoyed when he neglects her. Ray gets drunk and embarrasses Donna. Miss Ellie gets a shocking phone call."
08 Jan 1982
"After a phone call from South America devastates Miss Ellie, J.R., Bobby, and Ray fly down there to try and find Jock. They find his medallion."
15 Jan 1982
"Jock's death has a devastating effect on J.R. and Bobby has to cover for himself as well as his brother in running Ewing Oil. J.R. is unable to deal even with the simplest of business demands in his grief."
29 Jan 1982
"A recovered J.R. brings John Ross to the Ewing Oil offices to introduce him to what he hopes is his son's future. Later, when he tells Sue Ellen about it, she is far from delighted."
19 Feb 1982
"J.R. has Ray arrested during one of his binges then shows up at jail and persuades a distraught Ray to sign over his ten voting shares in Ewing Oil. Cliff discovers J.R.'s plot to get him a phony job with Olco Industries."
26 Feb 1982
"J.R. returns to Southfork where the family is celebrating Christopher's adoption which serves to depress him further as he realizes he may be a long way from having his own son back. Ray ..."
05 Mar 1982
"Katherine looks for J.R.'s help because Cliff has taken over Wentworth Tool and Dye. Donna uncovers a secret in the pasts of the Ewings and Culvers while Clayton does some investigating to find out if Cliff is good for Sue Ellen."
"J.R., through his manipulations, dupes Cliff into spending millions on a phony land deal. Farraday meets with Bobby and wants money and a ticket to Rio while Cliff proposes marriage to Sue Ellen."
19 Mar 1982
"Bobby Ewing's worst fears are realized when Farraday is murdered but a much worse blackmailer takes his place, his brother, J.R. With copies of Christopher's adoption records in his ..."
26 Mar 1982
"Bobby is in a difficult position when he is questioned by the police about the extent of his involvement with Farraday. Lucy is released from her bondage after she is found by Pam and Bobby."
02 Apr 1982
"Miss Ellie makes a decision on the book Donna is working on and comes to accept that Jock has died. The police recruit Bobby's help in setting up a plan to catch Farraday's killers and Cliff is fired by his mother for embezzlement."
"Cliff is devastated by Sue Ellen's return to J.R. and when Afton visits him she makes a shocking discovery..."
Season 6 - Dallas
01 Oct 1982
"J.R. is the focus of everyone's wrath at Southfork. J.R. is blamed by the other Ewings, as well as Afton and Rebecca, for driving Cliff to suicide. Bobby has his own reasons for being ..."
08 Oct 1982
"J.R. schemes to get an advance look at Jock's will after discovering his father's wishes have sealed it until it can be revealed to the entire family."
15 Oct 1982
"J.R. tries to push his mother and Bobby into a decision that would open Jock's will. Bobby and J.R. agree that it is time their mother gets out and meet old friends."
22 Oct 1982
"The Oil Baron's Ball opens up a new era for Miss Ellie. Sue Ellen is shocked when Dusty shows up at the Southern Cross while she is there visiting Clayton. Lucy decides she must get on with her life and put the past behind her."
29 Oct 1982
"The Ewing clan gathers at Southfork to hear the contents of Jock's will. Miss Ellie realizes that there is little hope of Jock ever returning so she takes her own advice about \"moving on\"."
19 Nov 1982
"J.R.'s and Bobby's true colors emerge as they jockey for position in their race for Ewing Oil. Members of the Ewing familyexperience varied emotions when Ellie invites a gentleman friend to dinner."
26 Nov 1982
"J.R. Ewing and Cliff Barnes vie for the same oil refinery, with either Sue Ellen or Afton holding the trump card to win the deal for her man."
03 Dec 1982
"Oilmen boycott JR's wedding to Sue Ellen as they are all up in arms over his variance to pump oil at full capacity. Meanwhile, JR rubs Cliffs nose in the fact that he's re-marrying Sue ..."
10 Dec 1982
"Cliff goes nuts at JR & Sue Ellen's dance, resulting in half the wedding party taking an unscheduled dip in the pool. Afton later admits to Cliff her part in his securing the purchase of ..."
17 Dec 1982
"Holly Harwood entertains thoughts of getting JR out of her company and Bobby into her bed at the same time. The Texas Energy Commission deliberates on JR's variance, as he pulls a move that..."
31 Dec 1982
"Having decided to contest Jock's will, Miss Ellie meets with resistance from JR, Bobby, and Harve Smithfield, who must defend the will and recommends someone else to her. Donna meets with ..."
07 Jan 1983
"Miss Ellie and Pam meet with Mark Graison in hopes of his family releasing Brooks Oliver to help break Jock's will. Donna is ready to give up on the Texas Energy Commission and JR, who goes..."
14 Jan 1983
"Heated tensions remain as the hearing concerning Jock's will approaches. Everyone learns that if Jock's will is overturned, it would result in Ray and Gary receiving almost nothing as a ..."
04 Feb 1983
"Having bragged about being able to sink to JR's level, Bobby does just that. Miss Ellie returns from Galveston with a new outlook on the race between her sons. Clayton decides to sell his ..."
"Blame is placed and accepted all over the Barnes-Wentworth, Ewing, and oil community when Rebecca dies..."
18 Feb 1983
"After Pam leaves Southfork, Holly gets the cold shoulder in her chance meeting with Bobby, as he's beginning to think the only thing left for him to do is throw himself into the fight for ..."
25 Feb 1983
"Pam's sister informs her she's moving to Dallas, unaware that Kathryn's also trying to move in on her husband, while Mark keeps trying to move in on Pam. Meanwhile, Bobby tries to find ..."
04 Mar 1983
"After Holly consults with Bobby regarding JR's latest scheme, he enlists Ray help in finding out where JR is really shipping a million barrels of oil. When JR is approached to run for ..."
11 Mar 1983
"When Bobby and Ray pull a sting operation on Driscoll, JR starts dancing for the Cubans as he tries to retrieve his money, leaving Driscoll to rot in jail. Bobby finds out that Pam had ..."
18 Mar 1983
"Katherine continues to plot to win Bobby by talking Pam into going to France with Mark Graison. JR plots to go to Cuba to retrieve his lost money. Cliff plots to take over for Bobby in the ..."
25 Mar 1983
"Sue Ellen begins to investigate Holly's claim that JR is being unfaithful. JR, meanwhile, flies to Peurto Rico in hopes of retrieving what he can out of the forty millions dollars he lost ..."
01 Apr 1983
"Battle lines are drawn across the globe, as Bobby needs the Canadian oil fields to come in, but fears they won't without Barnes-Wentworth new drill bit, and the deciding vote is sitting in ..."
15 Apr 1983
"Sue Ellen, having found JR returned to his old ways, returns to her old ways, as well. Pam flies home to Dallas and drives straight out to Southfork, treating Bobby like she stole their son..."
"The latest ramifications of the fight for control of Ewing Oil surface when Sue Ellen is involved in a drunk driving accident and Mickey..."
Season 7 - Dallas
30 Sep 1983
"Bobby tries to get cooler heads to prevail with Ray and JR, who points out that Ray and Bobby are just as responsible for Mickey's condition as he is. Clayton has a little trouble keeping ..."
07 Oct 1983
"Southfork, and the Ewing relationships, undergo rebuilding after the fire and other recent events. Away from the ranch, Mickey regains consciousness. Bobby asks Pam to come back and they ..."
14 Oct 1983
"J.R. and Katherine plot against Pam and Bobby. Sue Ellen is convinced that her and J.R.'s son, John Ross, needs help and she takes him to a psychologist who recommends a day camp where Peter Richards is a counselor."
21 Oct 1983
"Bobby and Pam end their marriage as J.R. and Katherine cheer from the sidelines. Sue Ellen finds she has an admirer at her son's day camp. J.R.'s plotting against his brother includes cutting him out of Ewing Oil."
"Unless their truce holds, Bobby learns that only a miracle could put him ahead of J.R. in their fight for Ewing Oil with the showdown only a few days away."
04 Nov 1983
"The J.R. and Bobby Ewing contest for Ewing Oil officially concludes with startling and unexpected developments. J.R. and Bobby turn over their books for the final audit, which determines who will run the family company."
18 Nov 1983
"Emotions spill over at the Oil Baron's Ball as the Ewing and Barnes' parties confront each other. J.R. is delighted to see Bobby and Pam with other dates but shocked when Cliff is named Oil Man of the Year."
25 Nov 1983
"The Oil Baron's Ball ends with fists and food flying between J.R., Bobby, Cliff, Ray, and Mark. Cliff sets the Ewings on edge by defaming Jock's memory during his acceptance speech at the ball and with other sarcastic remarks to J.R."
02 Dec 1983
"The Charity Rodeo at Billy Bob's brings out the best of the Ewing clan's riding skills but uncovers the depth of their emotional crises."
09 Dec 1983
"J.R.'s determination to discover how Cliff is getting information about Ewing Oil's operations pays off when Sly falls into his trap. When J.R. confronts his secretary, she tells him how ..."
23 Dec 1983
"J.R.'s resolve to prevent the marriage of his mother and Clayton Farlow becomes more determined when Miss Ellie receives an engagement ring during dinner at Southfork."
13 Jan 1984
"J.R.'s capacity for double-crossing comes close to running over as he sets up for a ride in risky offshore oil exploration."
20 Jan 1984
"Sue Ellen looks for a way out of her relationship with Peter. Peter talks Sue Ellen out of breaking off their affair but when she is mistaken for his mother her resolve becomes firmer. J.R...."
27 Jan 1984
"Miss Ellie changes her mind about marrying Clayton and J.R. is delighted. Clayton broods over Ellie's decision about their wedding and then shows up at Southfork demanding an explanation but J.R. meets him with a gun."
03 Feb 1984
"J.R. hides his chargrin at his mother and Clatyon's reconciliation by continuing to work on Cliff's greed for his own advantage."
10 Feb 1984
"J.R. rushes to Sue Ellen's bedside after she is hit by a car and receives a shocking piece of news. Peter and Lucy also run to the hospital where an unconscious Sue Ellen was taken after a minor accident near Jenna's boutique."
17 Feb 1984
"Sue Ellen leaves the hospital unsure of who got her pregnant. J.R. and Peter are each convinced that he fathered the child Sue Ellen lost in the accident."
24 Feb 1984
"Bobby confronts Jenna about Charlie's parentage and has difficulty accepting the fact that Jenna has led him on. Katherine sets up a confrontation between Naldo, Jenna, and Bobby but is not pleased with the results and Naldo's predictions."
02 Mar 1984
"Cliff bids high and J.R. bids low but each think he is the winner in the offshore drilling controversy. Randolph confesses to Ray and Donna that he gave J.R. information and all are at a ..."
09 Mar 1984
"J.R. gleefully operates behind the scenes to enmesh Cliff in an untenable financial situation he can use to his own advantage."
16 Mar 1984
"Clayton's sister, Jessica, arrives at Southfork for her brother and Ellie's wedding loaded with gifts but lacking the customary good thoughts. J.R. is especially impressed by Jessica and ..."
23 Mar 1984
"J.R. and Jessica find an ally in each other as strange alliances are formed. Both J.R. and Jessica share the same sentiments about Ellie and Clayton's wedding plans."
06 Apr 1984
"Pam tries to rush Mark into a quick marriage but he wants a big wedding and Miss Ellie insists on her own small nuptial event with Clayton at Southfork."
13 Apr 1984
"J.R. badgers Jessica to uncover the secret in Clayton's past that he could use to stop his mother's wedding. Cliff has to sell assets to get cash for his drilling without knowing that J.R. ..."
04 May 1984
"Bobby asks Jenna to marry him and she eagerly accepts, Clayton pushes to wed Miss Ellie before J.R. and Jessica can interfere, and Pam and Mark's future clouds over after she receives some tragic news."
11 May 1984
"J.R.'s snooping into Clayton and Jessica's past makes him realize his mother may be in grave danger. The concern of the Ewings for Miss Ellie's safety increases after it is learned that she..."
18 May 1984
"J.R. becomes the focus of accumulated hatreds in Southfork. A desperate search ensues for both Miss Ellie and Jessica while the fate of Peter is left in Sue Ellen's hands."
Season 8 - Dallas
28 Sep 1984
"J.R. panics when he realizes that the bullets that brought down Bobby were meant for him. As Bobby's shooting occurred in J.R.'s office, it's apparent that his brother was the intended victim."
05 Oct 1984
"J.R. leaves no stone unturned to discover who is gunning for him. J.R.'s efforts to expose the would-be assassin are frustrated by the seemingly airtight alibis of all his enemies, until ..."
12 Oct 1984
"J.R. fears for his life when the investigation into Bobby's shooting takes an unexpected turn that leaves the police baffled as the assailant prepares to strike again."
19 Oct 1984
"Southfork has a mystery guest. The would-be assassin is interrupted during a second deadly attempt at murder. However, the discovery may have come too late to save the victim."
02 Nov 1984
"Pam delves deeper into the mystery of Mark's disappearance, J.R. manipulates Cliff Again, Lucy fights over a boy and Bobby and Jenna postpone their wedding. At Southfork, Sue Ellen comes to..."
09 Nov 1984
"The return of Miss Ellie and Clayton engenders mixed reactions at Southfork as she acknowledges Jamie's resemblance to Jason and Cliff is delighted to learn from a conversation overheard by Mandy that he has J.R. worried."
23 Nov 1984
"Miss Ellie takes drastic steps to make Clayton feel secure at Southfork over J.R.'s objections and Bobby's discomfort. Ellie feels that Clayton may be deliberately staying away from home ..."
30 Nov 1984
"Bobby and Jenna are frantic when Charlie disappears, Clayton still feels like an outsider at Southfork and Pam interprets new evidence as proof that Mark is alive."
07 Dec 1984
"J.R. is delighted that no Barnes are in attendance at the Ewings' annual barbecue at Southfork but he receives a shock from Jamie which spoils his fun."
14 Dec 1984
"Bobby and Jenna's wedding day arrives but a mysterious phone call leaves the assembled guests without a bride and groom. Jamie declares she doesn't intend to use the document she possesses against the family, only to prove she is a Ewing."
"Bobby thinks Jenna intentionally ran out on him and with that the wedding is cancelled. Bobby is stunned to find Jenna with Marchetta."
28 Dec 1984
"Bobby is devastated with the news that Jenna married Marchetta and tries to forget her by drinking. Jenna tries to reach Bobby by phone but is prevented from doing so by her husband who ..."
04 Jan 1985
"Jenna is arrested for murder, J.R.'s world seems to falling apart and Pam's search is proving fruitless. Jenna pleads not guilty to murdering Marchetta but is denied bail in Laredo and Bobby tries to trace Charlie."
11 Jan 1985
"Jamie leaves Southfork and her hatred of J.R. teams her up with Cliff and alienates her from Sue Ellen."
01 Feb 1985
"J.R. realizes what a precarious position he has put his family in after he, Bobby, and Ellie are legally notified that Cliff and Jamie are suing for their share of Ewing Oil."
08 Feb 1985
"Futher documentation is discovered verifying the document dividing Ewing Oil between the Barneses and the two factions of the Ewings."
15 Feb 1985
"The pending fight for Ewing Oil brings J.R., Bobby, and Ray closer together but J.R.'s schemes alienate Miss Ellie and Clayton."
22 Feb 1985
"Jenna's trial gets moved to Dallas but she and Bobby are devastated when her defense suffers a serious setback. Jenna's case takes a serious turn after a witness who professed knowing the name of the real killer ends up dead."
01 Mar 1985
"Pam finally gets to see the patient she and Sue Ellen have traveled so far to find and J.R. and Cliff create an unpleasant incident."
08 Mar 1985
"Jenna is frightened as her trial begins with a scathing opening statement by the prosecution and Bobby is called to testify against her. Bobby and Jenna are even more distressed after they learn that Veronica's sister is afraid to testify."
15 Mar 1985
"The jury decides Jenna's fate. The energy commission shuts down one of J.R.'s fields because of contamination and J.R. arranges a surprise for its chairman after promising to finance his campaign."
29 Mar 1985
"Charlie's welfare is uppermost in Jenna's mind as she is found guilty of murder and awaits sentencing."
12 Apr 1985
"J.R. and Bobby prepare to meet Cliff and Jamie in court. Pam stays in the fight against her ex-husband and his brother. New developments make Bobby hopeful that Jenna may have another ..."
19 Apr 1985
"J.R., Bobby, and Ray are intrigued by the stranger who claims he can help them save Ewing Oil but Cliff is worried when he finds out that the man is Jamie's brother."
03 May 1985
"Cliff and Jamie are married, unaware that the Ewing brothers have new evidence in the fight for Ewing Oil."
10 May 1985
"The fight for Ewing Oil goes to the courts with the Ewing brothers confident that Amanda's evidence will prove more powerful than the documents Cliff and Jamie possess."
17 May 1985
"Lucy and Mitch remarry and move to Atlanta, while Bobby and Pam agree to remarry. Their happiness is cut short when Katherine Wentworth tries to run down Pam with her car. Bobby pushes her ..."
Season 9 - Dallas
27 Sep 1985
"As the Ewings prepare to lay Bobby to rest, Dusty tries to get Sue Ellen to stop drinking."
27 Sep 1985
"In his will, Bobby leaves 30% of Ewing Oil to Christopher, meaning Pam will be in control of those shares until the boy turns 18. Sue Ellen stumbles drunkenly in the city among the hobos and bag ladies."
04 Oct 1985
"The search for Sue Ellen ends up in the police station drunk tank. Sue Ellen is moved to a detoxification ward where J.R. and Dusty have a confrontation which sends Sue Ellen into a frenzy."
11 Oct 1985
"Miss Ellie accepts the idea of selling Ewing Oil as a means of keeping her troubled family together, but the prospect further divides the Ewing heirs."
18 Oct 1985
"J.R.'s scheme to pressure Pam into selling her son's Ewing Oil stock to him backfires. J.R. also is annoyed that his investigation of Jack's past proves worthless."
25 Oct 1985
"J.R. faces losing control of Ewing Oil when his mother and Pam decide to sell to Wendell. Miss Ellie is not happy when Sue Ellen's trouble making mother arrives at Southfork determined to straighten out her daughter's life."
01 Nov 1985
"Bobby Ewing posthumously receives the Oil Man of the Year Award at the Oil Baron's Ball, which Miss Ellie passes on to Christopher."
08 Nov 1985
"At Ewing Oil, Pam incurs J.R.'s wrath when she reminds him that they are partners and settles into Bobby's old office."
15 Nov 1985
"The Ewing hosted charity rodeo provides a fitting arena for the family's social and economic maneuvering."
22 Nov 1985
"Sue Ellen seeks a legal separation from J.R. and full custody of John Ross, but J.R. vows that she will never be safe if she takes his son away from him."
29 Nov 1985
"J.R.'s investigation of Marinos pressures Angelica to try and quickly close the deal but his detective suggests J.R. hold off because of some odd activity at Marinos before disappearing."
20 Dec 1985
"The disappearance of Jack Ewing puts J.R. in an embarrassing position and the threat of the impending deal with Marinos could crumble. J.R. promises an angry Angelica he will find out why Jack did not show up for their luncheon meeting."
03 Jan 1986
"Matt Cantrell comes to town looking for Bobby unaware that his boyhood chum and business partner has been killed. Pam meets Cantrell when he barges into her office looking for Bobby and is stunned at the news of Bobby's death."
10 Jan 1986
"The efforts to locate Jack Ewing intensify as Jamie lies unconscious and with J.R. having his own reasons for joining in the search. The urgency of finding a compatible blood donor for ..."
17 Jan 1986
"J.R. learns that blood matching indicates that Jack and Jamie had the same parents which gives him an entirely new perspective in his dealings with Angelica and the Marinos deal."
24 Jan 1986
"J.R.'s scheming to involve Pam in Matt's mining operation sends Pam to South America and also entices Cliff to invest in the venture. Sue Ellen's ingenuity earns J.R.'s begrudging respect while she enjoys the company of Dr. Kenderson."
31 Jan 1986
"Pam disappears and Matt is left for dead at the campsite in Colombia. Clayton realizes that it is time to sell Farlow Industries when he finds that Ellie has been secretly backing his losses."
07 Feb 1986
"J.R. travels to Colombia to make sure his connection with Matt is kept hidden and to pay Rueda to search for Pam while Cliff and Mark arrive and blame Matt for Pam's disappearance."
14 Feb 1986
"In Colombia Cliff and Mark, who blame themselves for Pam's misfortune, reluctantly agree to let Matt deliver the ransom note alone as instructed by the kidnappers and in Dallas Jenna's fixation causes growing concerns."
07 Mar 1986
"In Martinique, Jack masquerades as Dimitri, while J.R. suspects that Angelica has been illegally taking Dimitri's affairs into herown hands."
14 Mar 1986
"In the aftermath of the Martinique masquerade ball catastrophe, Angelica disappears, Grace ends her romance with Jack, and Jack refuses to work any longer with J.R."
21 Mar 1986
"J.R. is struck by the realization that he may have lost Sue Ellen for good and is informed that he will have to do something underhanded if he is to discredity her friend Jerry Kenderson."
11 Apr 1986
"In anticipation of future Ewing-Marcos drilling, J.R. shuts down less productive wells, making the cartel suspicious of his buy-back arrangement with them."
02 May 1986
"J.R. promises Sue Ellen he'll never take her for granted again and is surprised and confused at her impulsive actions."
09 May 1986
"J.R. finds renewed happiness with Sue Ellen in spite of his oil empire tottering, Mandy pursuing him, and a dangerous enemy lurking in wait. Financially strapped, J.R. has to pass on a lucrative opportunity to buy out a competitor."
Season 10 - Dallas
26 Sep 1986
"Bobby is alive and touches the lives of the Ewings, Farlows, Krebbs, and Barnes in the new season premiere."
26 Sep 1986
"Bobby is alive and touches the lives of the Ewings, Farlows, Krebbs, and Barnes in the new season premiere."
03 Oct 1986
"Family disturbances again are rife at Southfork as Sue Ellen begins her campaign to even the score with her husband J.R. Ewing. Sue Ellen decides to embarrass J.R. by going into business as a manufacturer of erotic women's clothing."
10 Oct 1986
"Miss Ellie is shocked when her suspicions about Wes Parmelee seem to be valid."
17 Oct 1986
"Deeply troubled, Miss Ellie orders the mysterious Wes Parmalee to leave Southfork, rejecting his disturbing claims."
24 Oct 1986
"The Southfork families are stunned as Miss Ellie reveals Wes Parmalee's claims. J.R. and Bobby are convinced that Parmalee's claims are false until he pays them a surprise visit at Ewing Oil."
31 Oct 1986
"J.R. and Bobby start investigating Parmalee after they are warned that his claims might stand up in court, changing control of Ewing Oil."
07 Nov 1986
"Bobby and Pam's wedding day bliss at Southfork is shattered when Ray Krebbs lashes out at their happiness. Depressed from an earlier argument with Donna, Ray enviously berates Bobby, which Pam overhears."
14 Nov 1986
"Bobby and Pam are forced to face a difficult decision about their wedding in light of Ray's startling revelation. J.R. receives shocking news about Wes Parmalee's claims -- information that..."
28 Nov 1986
"Wes Parmalee makes a startling disclosure at the annual Oil Baron's Ball in front of Dallas' finest."
05 Dec 1986
"Bobby leaves for South America in search of information to disprove Parmalee's claims, with evidence mounting that he really is Jock. The grim duty of retracing the route to Jock's accident faces Bobby in South America."
12 Dec 1986
"Bobby returns from South America with evidence regarding Wes Parmalee but it's an unexpected, and uninvited, guest at the annual Ewing barbecue who provides Miss Ellie with the shocking truth."
19 Dec 1986
"An angry Clayton goes on a manhunt and Miss Ellie seeks the aid of her sons in calming her furious husband. J.R., confident that the Middle East situation is at rest, learns some frightening news concerning B.D. Calhoun."
02 Jan 1987
"Threatened by B.D. Calhoun's menacing presence, J.R. takes the necessary steps to rid himself of the mercenary."
09 Jan 1987
"Sue Ellen is unsuspecting when B.D. Calhoun, whom she knows as Peter Duncan, makes contact with her in his vendetta against J.R. Calhoun \"accidentally\" bumps into Sue Ellen and Pam. Ray ..."
23 Jan 1987
"Ewing Oil makes a financial comeback as Bobby and J.R. secure important deals, but J.R. is too overcome with anxiety about B.D. Calhoun to savor the success. Bobby becomes suspicious when ..."
30 Jan 1987
"Bobby finally learns the reason behind J.R.'s recent mysterious actions. B.D. Calhoun continues to terrorize J.R. with his dangerous game playing."
06 Feb 1987
"Fearing for the safety of their families, J.R. and Bobby send Sue Ellen, Pam, John Ross, and Christopher to California to escape the menacing threat of Calhoun but J.R. is forced into a deadly showdown when the terrorist locates them."
13 Feb 1987
"J.R. pays an emotional price for his involvement with Calhoun but he may face a bigger danger with the law for consorting with a terrorist. Despite her growing relationship with Senator ..."
20 Feb 1987
"Shocking news from California raises questions of who is the true proprietor of the elusive 10 percent of Ewing Oil. The quiet search for Jack Ewing is continued by J.R. and April Stevens."
27 Feb 1987
"An ecstatic Cliff Barnes unloads a stunning bombshell on the Ewing brothers. Furious at Cliff's disturbing disclosure, J.R. divides the Southfork house by accusing Pam of scheming with her brother to bring ruin to Ewing Oil."
13 Mar 1987
"J.R. deviously schemes to frame Cliff Barnes for Jamie's death. While secretly maneuvering to secure the infamous ten percent of Ewing Oil, J.R. also orchestrates a meeting between April ..."
20 Mar 1987
"J.R. and Bobby get some aid in their never ending quest for the ten percent of Ewing Oil from a surprise visitor."
"An intensive court battle results in a decision which causes pandemonium in both Ewing and Barnes' camps. J.R. and Bobby undertake a vicious custody battle with Cliff for the elusive ten percent of Ewing Oil."
10 Apr 1987
"Double crossed by J.R. and April Stevens, Jeremy Wendell vows revenge on Ewing Oil."
08 May 1987
"Miss Ellie is distraught over the fate of both Clayton and Ewing Oil."
15 May 1987
"Bobby and Pam's dreams of a serene and happy future are shattered. The impending loss of Ewing Oil has a desperate J.R. fighting for his life while a smug Jeremy Wendell reveals his plot to him."
Season 11 - Dallas
25 Sep 1987
"The Ewings are thrust into a state of tragic despair while awaiting the fate of Pamela after her car accident."
25 Sep 1987
"Miss Ellie worries about Clayton's activities while Sue Ellen meets Nicholas Pearce, a dashing investment banker who seeks to help her build up her lingerie business. Meanwhile, J.R. obtains the will for Pamela in case she doesn't make it."
02 Oct 1987
"A veiled figure, who invades Pam's hospital room, sends shock waves through the Ewing household. A confused and angry Christopher vanishes from Southfork, sending the ranch into further turmoil."
09 Oct 1987
"Bobby makes a startling discovery when he enters Pam's hospital room."
16 Oct 1987
"Bobby and Cliff and the rest of the Ewings desperately search for Pam, fearful that the mystery figure may be involved in her disappearance. Bobby and Cliff make an odd pair as they scour Texas to unravel the mystery surrounding Pam."
23 Oct 1987
"J.R. and Ray have to stop a frustrated and furious Bobby from destroying a bar full of cowboys while on a rampage."
30 Oct 1987
"Pam unloads another devastating bombshell on Bobby."
06 Nov 1987
"The families of Southfork anxiously await news from the hospital concerning Clayton. J.R. tries to comfort a scared and nervous Miss Ellie as Clayton undergoes surgery."
13 Nov 1987
"Bobby comes to a weighty resolution concerning his beloved Pam. Christopher's reaction to the bad news from Pam provides Bobby with the impetus for his decision."
20 Nov 1987
"Ray and Jenna reveal their good news to Bobby and the rest of the Ewings. Despite their budding relationship, Bobby severs ties with Lisa Alden in the interest of Christopher, but takes the initiative with another woman from his past."
27 Nov 1987
"Frustrated and furious at Cliff for shutting down his oil rig, Dandy takes control with a shotgun. J.R., with the unwitting help of April Stevens, continues to pursue Weststar, as well as Kimberly Cryder."
04 Dec 1987
"With Bobby as best man, Ray and Jenna finally exchange wedding vows. The wedding day finds Christopher struggling with the discovery of the identity of Lucas's father, while Jenna pines over past feelings for Bobby."
11 Dec 1987
"Bobby prepares to fight the lawsuit Lisa has against him while Sue Ellen has dinner with the Cryders. Meanwhile, Casey makes plans to work against J.R. and Charlie is caught with her boyfriend."
18 Dec 1987
"Bobby prepares for a brutal court fight to retain custody of Christopher. J.R., who learns of Casey's disloyalty, plans to teach the upstart a lesson while he continues to badger Kimberly ..."
08 Jan 1988
"After an ultimatum from Dr. Styles, J.R. demands a show of faith from Kimberly concerning their relationship."
15 Jan 1988
"J.R. and Sue Ellen's marriage takes a turn for the worse after Kimberly leaves her spouse and demands that J.R. follow suit."
22 Jan 1988
"An angry Bobby vows vengeance upon the culprit he suspects is behind Lisa's custody battle."
12 Feb 1988
"J.R. and Kimberly Cryder concoct a scandalous surprise for Sue Ellen. To Bobby's relief, Lisa Alden can't be found, apparently cancelling the trial. Clayton finds comfort from a supportive ..."
19 Feb 1988
"Miss Ellie retreats into a drunken rage after she spies Clayton and Laurel together for a second time. Disillusioned and hurt, Ellie seeks comfort in silence, bewildering Clayton. J.R. and ..."
26 Feb 1988
"The long awaited custody trial for Christopher comes to pass, pitting Lisa Alden against a determined Bobby. J.R. and Bobby square off against each other concerning J.R.'s involvement with Lisa."
04 Mar 1988
"April's mischievous undertaking to uncover Nicholas' true identity lands her in hot water. April is forced to go into hiding when some thugs attempt to question her about Nicholas."
11 Mar 1988
"A frightened April succumbs to the strong-arm pressure of thugs and reveals Nicholas' identity. J.R. prepares for the battle with Dr. Styles, but Kimberly fears for her father's failing health."
18 Mar 1988
"Clayton erupts into a vengeful rage when David Shulton tells Ellie about Clayton's tryst with Laurel. To J.R.'s delight, Miss Ellie informs the family she has kicked Clayton out of the house."
08 Apr 1988
"J.R. revels in his power when he uncovers evidence that could extricate Clayton from the charge of murdering David Shulton. Holding the key to Clayton's freedom, J.R. decides to use the information to his own advantage."
15 Apr 1988
"J.R. triumphantly prepares to assume control of Weststar Oil. Nicholas reveals his mysterious whereabouts to Sue Ellen and Laurel divulges J.R.'s sexual blackmail plot to a furious Clayton."
29 Apr 1988
"In the aftermath of Sue Ellen's victory over J.R., he threatens that she'll never see their son again."
06 May 1988
"Jenna returns to an ominously empty home. A lonely Lucy Ewing-Cooper returns to Southfork to learn that Miss Ellie has reached a decision that may change the ranch forever."
13 May 1988
"J.R. declares all out war on his brother Bobby, wife Sue Ellen, and Nicholas Pearce. Cliff receives startling news about Pam and Lucy meets the calculating Casey Denault."
Season 12 - Dallas
28 Oct 1988
"Murder charges are filed as the families of Southfork are torn apart over the shooting of J.R. by his furious wife, Sue Ellen. Cliff finally comes face to face with Pam, as Bobby wrestles with his feelings about his ex-wife."
04 Nov 1988
"Cliff Barnes, resolving to get out of the oil business, offers Barnes-Wentworth to Bobby and Ewing Oil. Clayton Farlow, immersed in the running of Southfork, also offers to sell his oil refineries to Bobby."
11 Nov 1988
"Sue Ellen, despite securing custody of her son, John Ross, resigns to let him live at Southfork."
18 Nov 1988
"J.R.'s lust for the young country girl Cally Harper leads him into a dangerous situation that even his wiles, Ewing money, power, and clout can't get him out."
02 Dec 1988
"While J.R. is imprisoned on a torturous chain gang, his long time nemesis, Cliff Barnes, joins Bobby as a new partner in Ewing Oil. Clayton suspects foul play when the river that runs across Southfork mysteriously dries up."
09 Dec 1988
"A beaten and nearly broken J.R. marries the innocent Cally Harper in a desperate effort to escape the crazed clutches of her vengeful brothers."
16 Dec 1988
"Newlywed J.R. struggles to escape from the dreaded Harper farm, while Southfork prepares for war against the unrelenting Carter McKay and his henchmen."
06 Jan 1989
"Carter McKay reveals his true intentions to the Ewings. To avoid bloodshed in the impending range war, McKay offers to buy two sections of the sacred Southfork and J.R. hires his own ..."
13 Jan 1989
"The range war violently erupts as Bobby vows revenge after Christopher is caught in the brutal cross-fire. J.R., Bobby, Clayton, Ray, and their mercenaries mount forces to destroy McKay and his men and save Southfork."
20 Jan 1989
"Unaware that Jeremy Wendell is the force behind Carter McKay, Miss Ellie goes ahead with her decision to sell of the sacred Section 40 to McKay."
27 Jan 1989
"There is a startling disclosure at the glamorous Oil Baron's Ball, Dallas' social event of the season. Cally Ewing, J.R.'s new bride, attempts to acclimate herself to the grandeur of ..."
03 Feb 1989
"Determined to create a life for herself in Dallas and win over J.R., Cally turns to an unlikely source for advice -- Sue Ellen."
"Nicholas Pearce's father comes to town to find out what happened to his son. And he starts by grabbing J.R. but before doing anything, he gives him a chance to plead his case."
24 Feb 1989
"Against an ominous skyline of black storm clouds, Southfork prepares for another one of its all out, glamorous weddings."
03 Mar 1989
"It's brotherly war when Bobby furiously confronts J.R. for ignoring their agreement to consult one another concerning business."
17 Mar 1989
"The 300th episode marks an unusual show in which the feuding Ewing brothers, J.R. and Bobby, get trapped overnight in an elevator, with a defiant Bobby owning the only source of food or drink -- a precious case of expensive wine."
"The Ewing brothers are back in business together and set their sights on the biggest oil deal in history at the expense of Carter McKay and Weststar..."
14 Apr 1989
"Honeymooners J.R. and Cally, along with Bobby, mix pleasure with oil business in the spectacular old town of Salzburg, Austria, until Bobby is shocked by a surprise visitor."
28 Apr 1989
"The Ewings head off to Vienna in their battle for the coveted European oil contract. Bobby and April explore their blossoming relationship atop the famed Maria's Mountain in Salzburg. ..."
05 May 1989
"In the romantic city of Vienna, Vanessa Beaumont, the only woman to ever break J.R. Ewing's heart, forces him to choose between her and his love for Cally."
12 May 1989
"America's most infamous capitalist, J.R. Ewing, travels to Moscow, the mecca of Communism. At Vanessa's urging J.R. and Bobby flee Vienna for a crucial and mysterious meeting in Red Square."
19 May 1989
"Someone is attempting to frighten April as she continues to see Bobby while Sue Ellen gives Cally advice on how she will have to fight to make her marriage work."
Season 13 - Dallas
22 Sep 1989
"A raging J.R. Ewing is consumed with vengeance after Sue Ellen blackmails him with her threatening motion picture."
22 Sep 1989
"Tommy claims he's changed, while plotting revenge against Bobby; a gallery owner likes Cally's paintings; J.R. makes a risky deal behind Bobby's back; Cliff finally finds Afton."
29 Sep 1989
"Having gone behind brother Bobby's back in stretching Ewing Oil's reserves too thin, J.R. frantically scrambles to secure enough oil to meet a potentially deadly deadline."
06 Oct 1989
"Seeking revenge, Tommy McKay plants an explosive device in the unsuspecting Bobby's briefcase. At her sister April's expense, Michelle connives her way into Cliff's heart."
13 Oct 1989
"Carter McKay and his son Tommy have a fatal confrontation and gold digging Michelle decides to play the \"Cliff vs J.R.\" game."
20 Oct 1989
"Despite his arrogant attitude, new Dallasite James Richard Beaumont creates quite an impression with J.R. and other members of the Ewing clan."
03 Nov 1989
"Vanessa Beaumont travels to Dallas to retrieve her son James, who is deciding on whether or not to make Southfork his home. James, in an effort to immerse himself into the family, enjoys a day out in the fields with Bobby."
10 Nov 1989
"In an emotional and volatile family gathering at the Oil Baron's club, J.R.'s delight at discovering that James is his son is short-lived upon the interruption of an even bigger bombshell."
17 Nov 1989
"In the aftermath of the oil tanker collision, Ewing Oil finds itself under fire from the press, environmental groups, and Cliff Barnes' investigative committee."
01 Dec 1989
"Cally's rosy world is shattered when she spies J.R. with a familiar other woman. Distraught over J.R.'s apparent infidelity, Cally runs to Alex for comfort."
08 Dec 1989
"Cally unleashes the wrath of J.R. after she angrily confronts both him and Michelle about their supposed liaison."
15 Dec 1989
"April and Bobby's relationship ices over as his reunion with Kay heats up. Cally agrees with J.R. that they should put the past behind them -- unaware of what J.R. has in store for Alex Barton."
Season 14 - Dallas
02 Nov 1990
"Bobby and April's long awaited, romantic honeymoon in Paris is interrupted by Sheila Foley, an enigmatic, well-to-do woman, while J.R.'s frustration mounts when he realizes all escape routes from the mental institution are blocked."
09 Nov 1990
"Bobby becomes embroiled in a dangerous game of charades with Sheila Foley in an effort to rescue his kidnapped bride, while J.R. faces a life threatening situation in the asylum."
23 Nov 1990
"Still playing the charade, Bobby attends an important oil industry reception with Sheila, unaware of the ominous events about to change his life forever. Meanwhile, back in Dallas, J.R. ..."
30 Nov 1990
"The charade played out, Bobby returns from his honeymoon in Paris, a changed man and alone."
07 Dec 1990
"Despondent about April, Bobby turns his back on Ewing Oil, while J.R. gets a surprise visit from the only woman he has ever loved. Meanwhile, Michelle is furious with Bobby for returning to Dallas without April."
14 Dec 1990
"With the hoodlum Johnny Dancer dead, Carter McKay, Cliff Barnes, and Liz Adams all are likely murder suspects. In other developments, J.R. courts Vanessa, but his hold on her may be tenuous."
21 Dec 1990
"Venezuelan oil magnate Lee Ann De La Vega attempts to cast a spell over J.R. Ewing when she maneuvers to buy his precious Ewing Oil. Despite J.R.'s vehement objections, Bobby decides to rid himself of the oil company."
04 Jan 1991
"Things go from bad to worse for J.R. when Ewing Oil slips further from his grasp and James makes a shocking announcement about Cally in the midst of J.R.'s engagement toast to Vanessa."
11 Jan 1991
"A forgotten moment from J.R.'s past returns to haunt him as Lee Ann takes control of Ewing Oil and plots with Michelle to destroy every facet of J.R.'s life."
18 Jan 1991
"J.R. contemplates romancing Lee Ann in his effort to win back Ewing Oil, unaware that he's falling into her trap."
01 Feb 1991
"Lee Ann continues her sly seduction of J.R., taking the final steps in her elaborate plan to drastically change his personal and professional life forever."
08 Feb 1991
"Lee Ann De La Vega sells Ewing Oil to Michelle Stevens. Michelle then fires J.R., Phyllis and Sly. Bobby enlists the help of Liz Adams to find Hillary Taylor. He finds out Hillary's daughter Jory is in Malibu and goes to find her."