The Cook of Castamar

Set in early 18th-century Madrid, the plot follows the love story between an agoraphobic cook and a widowed nobleman.

Season 1 - The Cook of Castamar
21 Feb 2021
"In 1720, Diego, the duke of Castamar, is convinced by King Felipe to try and move on from his former lover, Alba, who died 20 months earlier. This coincides with the arrival of a new assistant cook, Clara Belmonte, to Castamar."
28 Feb 2021
"Clara is trusted with an important document from the King when he goes missing. Enrique keeps harassing Amelia into getting closer to Diego. Castamar prepares the funeral for Alba."
"No description"
14 Mar 2021
"Do\u00f1a Mercedes invites Carlo Broschi for a concert in Castamar, but he loses his voice just hours before his performance. Clara's agoraphobia comes to light. Amelia grows increasingly more desperate in trying to seduce Diego."
21 Mar 2021
"On the day of Rosal\u00eda's funeral, Diego tries to cheer up Clara. As they grow closer and closer, he realizes that he has to do something about Amelia. Sol tells Enrique that Diego is falling for the cook and he decides to investigate "
28 Mar 2021
"Diego and Amelia announce their engagement, which makes news at Castamar. Gabriel becomes suspicious that Enrique is conspiring against them."
04 Apr 2021
11 Apr 2021
"Diego and Clara try to find evidence of her father's innocence to prevent his execution. Amelia begins seeing Clara as a threat after the revelation of Diego's crush on her."
"No description"
"No description"
02 May 2021
09 May 2021
"With Enrique now dead, and Diego having survived, everything is now set for Diego and Amelia's wedding. Adela discovers a letter that can prove Clara's father's innocence, while Clara prepares to leave Castamar."