Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver is an American television situation comedy about an inquisitive and often naïve boy named Theodore "The Beaver" Cleaver and his adventures at home, in school, and around his suburban neighborhood. The show also starred Barbara Billingsley and Hugh Beaumont as Beaver's parents, June and Ward Cleaver, and Tony Dow as Beaver's brother Wally. The show has attained an iconic status in the US, with the Cleavers exemplifying the idealized suburban family of the mid-20th century.

Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: 1

Duration: 0h 25m

Release: 1957

Rating: 7.0

Season 1 - Leave It to Beaver
04 Oct 1957
"Beaver expects the worst when teacher Miss Canfield sends him home with a sealed note for his parents."
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15 Nov 1957
"Beaver is left out when Ward and the other neighborhood dads offer to pay Wally and his friends for doing outdoor chores to help them buy uniforms. But, after Beaver finds out that the main..."
22 Nov 1957
"Beaver's crush on his teacher Miss Canfield and teasing by the other kids leads him to put a spring snake in her desk drawer. When his conscience starts acting up, he does his best to make sure the snake stays in the desk."
29 Nov 1957
"A rainy day indoors prompts Wally and his friends to build a clubhouse across the street. When Beaver can only join if he comes up with $3, he decides to hit the streets with a newfound entrepreneurial spirit."
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27 Dec 1957
"Wally and Beaver send for a supply of \"Flower of the Orient\" perfume to sell door-to-door, planning make enough money to buy a movie projector. But selling the perfume turns out to be ..."
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10 Jan 1958
"After having to listen to colleague \"Corny\" Cornelius brag about his children's academic excellence, Ward is thrilled to return the favor when principal Mrs. Rayburn calls to say that ..."
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07 Mar 1958
"When Ward and Wally pressure messy Beaver to be neater, Beaver takes buddy Larry's advice and asks for his own room."
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21 Mar 1958
"Beaver gets attached to a runaway chihuahua named Poncho and sneaks the little dog to school under his coat on the morning the owner comes to claim it."
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02 Apr 1958
"The boys accidentally break the car window."
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30 Apr 1958
"Concerned that Wally and Beaver are spending too much time at the movies on the week-ends, Ward plans a camping trip and the excited boys tell all their friends. But when Eddie Haskell's ..."
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21 May 1958
"Memories of companionship and comfort prevent Beaver from letting go of his well-worn teddy bear, Billy, and prompt the little boy to rescue his furry friend from the garbage truck even ..."
28 May 1958
"Wally hedges after making a deal with his dad to paint the trashcans for fifty cents each, convinced by Eddie Haskell to hold out for more money. But when Beaver takes the job at the ..."
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18 Jun 1958
"Capturing a white rabbit in a home-made gopher trap is only one surprise that awaits the Cleavers when their new pet \"Henry\" turns out to be expectant-mother \"Henrietta\"."
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Season 2 - Leave It to Beaver
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16 Oct 1958
"Ward promises to take Wally fishing and Beaver to the third grade's student-father picnic before realizing that both events are on the same Saturday."
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30 Oct 1958
"While the older boys play baseball, Beaver and his friend Larry watch from the sidelines while minding the players' wallets, jackets and watches. But when the belongings are reclaimed after..."
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27 Nov 1958
"Wally gets blamed after Beaver takes pal Larry Mondello's dare to smoke the new Meerschaum pipe that Fred Rutherford sent as a gift to Ward from Germany."
04 Dec 1958
"June cleverly rescues Wally from bad taste after he is goaded by Eddie Haskell into buying a new suit for an upcoming school dance without his parents' help."
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18 Dec 1958
"The Cleaver boys' Saturday afternoon carnival plans are disrupted when June's Aunt Martha comes for an unexpected visit."
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01 Jan 1959
"Feeling slighted for not being included in Wally's birthday party plans, Beaver takes buddy Larry Mondello's advice, buys himself an expensive bow and arrow set and gives his big brother a cheap gift."
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05 Feb 1959
"Self-conscious Wally resorts to a mail-order remedy to change his appearance after dream-girl Gloria tells him he has a \"pug\" nose."
12 Feb 1959
"When Beaver gets sick with the chicken pox, Wally takes care of his new pigeons. Then he ends up having to take care of Larry's, too."
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26 Feb 1959
"Beaver believes he's been unfairly reprimanded for accidentally breaking Wally's track trophy, takes his Dad's offhand comment to find new parents literally, and with pal Larry Mondello's ..."
05 Mar 1959
"June lines up a dog-walking job for Beaver unaware that he and his friends believe that the owner of the dog is a witch who lives in a haunted house."
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02 Apr 1959
"The boys help out at a traveling carnival for a couple of days. Instead of getting paid the $20 they were promised, they are given a run-down old horse."
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16 Apr 1959
"Excited about possibly moving to a bigger house in a new neighborhood, Beaver tells his whole third grade class. But when the house sale falls through, embarrassed Beaver doesn't know how ..."
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30 Apr 1959
"Beaver uses his own $13 to buy a wild Eskimo-style sweater, but regrets it when Judy Hensler has the same one."
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18 Jun 1959
"Beaver isn't worried that he doesn't have any money to spend at the carnival after his best friend Larry Mondello promises to pay the way. But conniving Larry has spent all of his allowance..."
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Season 3 - Leave It to Beaver
03 Oct 1959
"Wally is chairman of the Blind Date Committee for a dance and has to find dates for people. One girl is especially hard to find a date for."
10 Oct 1959
"When the babysitter cancels at the last minute, Ward and June leave Wally in charge while they are out of town overnight. They have a bathroom mishap in the new house when Beaver takes a bath."
17 Oct 1959
"Beaver gets suspended from riding the school bus for acting up."
24 Oct 1959
"Beaver goes to the movies with Larry and wins a prize even though he has been told to stay home for the day."
31 Oct 1959
"Beaver needs a baby picture for a class project. June comes up with one where he doesn't have any clothes on and mails it to Miss Landers without showing it to him first."
07 Nov 1959
"Impressed by Ward's tales of walking 10 miles each way to school as a boy, Beaver takes his dad's old pedometer to school and bets his friend Whitey that he can walk twenty miles in a day, just like his dad."
14 Nov 1959
"Beaver and his friend Larry Mondello end up at the Mayfield police station after they are tricked by two older boys into using a stolen rowboat while picnicking at Friends lake."
21 Nov 1959
"Inspired after teacher Miss Landers reads a poem to his class about trees, Beaver worries about the tree that Ward planted for him on his birthday in the old neighborhood and decides to bring it to the Cleaver's new yard."
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05 Dec 1959
"Beaver's last penny from his allowance buys him a ticket from a sidewalk weight\/fortune telling machine that predicts good luck for him, making him think that, as a result, he can beat up the school bully."
12 Dec 1959
"Beaver is forced to break his promise to bring home the change from the dollar his dad gave him to buy a 25 cent notebook after his unreliable pal, Larry Mondello, takes the money to buy a ..."
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26 Dec 1959
"Not wanting to hurt Beaver's feelings when he gives her a tacky blouse for her birthday, loving mother June promises Beaver that she will wear the blouse to a mother's club tea. But June ..."
02 Jan 1960
"Ward learns the power of his hastily spoken words when his boys' best efforts to quickly clean the garage result in a flat tire on the family car."
09 Jan 1960
"Larry hides in Wally and Beaver's bathroom after his mother embarrasses him in front of Beaver."
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27 Feb 1960
"Beaver regrets joining the secret \"Bloody Fives\" club without his friend Larry when he finds out that Larry has joined an even more secret club, \"The Fiends\"."
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02 Apr 1960
"Wally worries that popular Myra won't go with him to the sophomore spring dance if he can't afford to buy her an expensive orchid corsage."
09 Apr 1960
"Larry Mondello convinces Beaver to play catch using Ward's valuable autographed baseball, with disastrous results."
16 Apr 1960
"After June objects to his having a mouse as a pet, Beaver lets the mouse go into Metzger's field and answers an ad for a free pet monkey."
23 Apr 1960
"Beaver and his friend Larry Mondello find a lost wallet stuffed with money, turn it in to the police station and hope that no one claims it so they can split the loot."
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14 May 1960
"Wally is sure that carefully hanging his jacket in his closet will keep it clean for an upcoming dance, forgetting that he shares the closet with a younger brother whose middle name is trouble!"
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28 May 1960
"When Ward gives Wally permission to get a job, Wally discovers that there is more to making money than just selling ice cream bars and that allies come from unlikely places."
04 Jun 1960
"When Beaver's teacher Miss Landers assigns the class a book to read Ward suggests Ivanhoe, one of his favorite boyhood books. Impressed by the tale of knighthood, Beaver forms his own knight club and sets out to defend his neighborhood."
11 Jun 1960
"Wally considers it an honor to be inducted into a popular school club but has second thoughts when he finds out what his part will be in the club's annual play."
18 Jun 1960
"Over breakfast on the last day of school before summer vacation, Beaver and Wally sneak a peek at the gift June bought for Beaver to give to his teacher. The embarrassed boys find a lacy ..."
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Season 4 - Leave It to Beaver
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15 Oct 1960
"Beaver's slightly exaggerated story about rescuing an abandoned canoe while fishing with Wally takes on a life of its own while passing through the school grapevine and Beaver finds that ..."
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29 Oct 1960
"Lumpy Rutherford embarrasses Beaver, calling him 'Freckles' in front of his friends and Beaver tries various ways to get rid of the offending spots. While Ward and June try to convince ..."
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03 Dec 1960
"To impress pretty, out-of town girl Kitty, Wally writes letters to her exaggerating his family's wealth and importance; but he must later eat his words when Ward and June tell Wally that he will be taking Kitty to the country club dance."
10 Dec 1960
"Ward and June leave Wally in charge at home and all is well until neighbor Mrs. Murdock drops by and asks Wally to take her son, Chuckie, to buy new shoes. But Wally goes ice skating with ..."
17 Dec 1960
"June attends a meeting at Beaver's school where teacher Miss Landers confides that several items have recently disappeared from student lockers; and when June finds the same items under ..."
24 Dec 1960
"While emptying the trash, Beaver finds a circular that Ward discarded offering a free trial for an expensive new accordion. With a push from troublemaker Eddie, Beaver secretly sends in the..."
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21 Jan 1961
"When Beaver decides to be a writer, Ward gives him a diary, encouraging him to write down his thoughts and daily activities and assuring Beaver that no one would read it without permission...."
28 Jan 1961
"After being warned against roughhousing by the track coach, Eddie and Lumpy start a towel fight in the school locker room and the coach walks in just as Wally throws a towel. But when the ..."
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11 Feb 1961
"Beaver loses his fear of a possible operation to remove his swollen tonsils when Ward reminisces about his own boyhood tonsillectomy. In fact, Beaver is so impressed by Ward's story of ice ..."
18 Feb 1961
"When the local pet store has a tropical fish counting contest with a collie pup as the grand prize, Beaver and his friend Gilbert agree to enter together and share the puppy if they win. ..."
25 Feb 1961
"After finding Ward's old drawing tablet, Beaver volunteers to make a poster for a class project on Colonial America, hoping that his talented dad will do it for him. But Ward only offers ..."
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11 Mar 1961
"Beaver balks at playing the lead in his school play 'The Little Dutch Boy' when his role includes kissing his co-star...the little Dutch girl!"
18 Mar 1961
"Lumpy and Eddie try to sabotage Wally's efforts to help new kid Dudley fit in with the school crowd but, when they invite Dudley to a popular girl's party just to embarrass him, Dudley turns the tables on the sneaky pair."
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01 Apr 1961
"Arithmatically-challenged Beaver is mystified by a better than average grade on his report card, unaware that dastardly duo, Eddie Haskell and Lumpy Rutherford, altered the card en route to Ward's desk drawer."
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22 Apr 1961
"Gilbert convinces Beaver that they should both make an ugly face when their class picture is taken. Beaver does it, but Gilbert doesn't. It doesn't get discovered until the picture has already gone to press to be in the school yearbook."
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20 May 1961
"Ward and June are proud when Beaver is elected as his grammar school class's Junior Fire Chief for Fire Prevention Week until he starts taking his honorary position a little too seriously."
20 May 1961
"Beaver has second thoughts about selling the frogs he caught to help pay for a new canoe after he finds out the frogs' fate."
03 Jun 1961
"At first, mowing lawns seems like an easy way for Beaver and his friend Gilbert to earn extra money for summer, but no one seems to want their services and bad advice from Wally's friend ..."
10 Jun 1961
"Beaver gets into trouble when his friend Gilbert convinces him to test-fly a new kite that he and Ward worked hard to build for the father and son \"Kite Day\" contest."
17 Jun 1961
"When Beaver buys a wrecked 'coaster car' from Eddie Haskell, Wally pitches in to help his little brother fix it up and school chum Penny Woods promises him the wheels from her old doll ..."
24 Jun 1961
"Wally takes his responsibility seriously when he is left in charge of the Cleaver household while Ward is in St. Louis on a business trip but isn't sure he can fill his father's shoes when ..."
Season 5 - Leave It to Beaver
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21 Oct 1961
"At breakfast, Ward and June convince Beaver to bank his birthday money instead of buying the model race car he really wants; but when Uncle Billy's ten dollar cash gift arrives in the mail ..."
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30 Dec 1961
"Beaver's dread turns to relief when he learns Wally is picked to chaperon his first dance...with a girl!...and knows he can depend on his savvy older brother for much needed advice."
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10 Feb 1962
"Ward finds out first hand why his youngest son's middle name is trouble just by giving his permission for the Beaver to buy an expensive leather jacket just like the one he admired on his friend Richard."
17 Feb 1962
"Feeling picked-on and ignored, Beaver believes his buddy, Richard, who tells him he's reached the age when his parents have stopped loving him because he's awkward and ugly."
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10 Mar 1962
"All the guys are jealous when Eddie Haskell's dad allows him to drop out of high school, especially when he brags about the money he's making in his new job; but best friend Wally isn't ..."
17 Mar 1962
"Wally and the Beaver arrange each other's overnight plans without telling Ward and June."
24 Mar 1962
"Wally comes to the rescue after Beaver lets his pal Richard do the Rickover family laundry in the Cleaver washing machine, \"bailing\" the inexperienced younger boys out when laundry day turns into soapy mayhem."
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07 Apr 1962
"Beaver is happy to free Wally up for a date by offering to babysit for the Murdock's five-year-old boy, Chuckie, until he finds out that he'll be sitting with Chuckie's ten-year-old sister, Patty, instead."
14 Apr 1962
"When Ward urges Beaver to follow in Wally's footsteps and become the next Cleaver basketball star, Beaver tries out for the City Park basketball team. But Beaver finds he lacks his older ..."
21 Apr 1962
"Beaver finds that learning to type on his new typewriter is harder than it looks and is once again reminded that accepting help from Eddie Haskell is never...ever...a good idea."
28 Apr 1962
"Angry with his dad for taking his car keys away, Lumpy Rutherford decides to secretly join the Merchant Marine Corp and has the enlistment information sent to the Cleaver's address instead ..."
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12 May 1962
"Wally and Beaver reluctantly give up their Saturday morning to clean the yard, miss the garbage man's pick-up deadline and go from the frying pan into the fire when they trust Eddie Haskell..."
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26 May 1962
"Wally and Eddie are excited to be judged 'cool' enough to be invited to join The Barons, a popular school club, especially when the perks seem to include pretty girls and fast sports cars."
02 Jun 1962
"Beaver and his friends buy fad \"monster\" sweatshirts and agree to wear them to school on the same day but Beaver is the only one who manages to sneak out of his house in the gruesome attire..."
09 Jun 1962
"When their week-end dating plans are ruined by Wally's promise to take Beaver and his buddies camping, Lumpy and Eddie connive to free up their pal by trying to scare the young campers into coming home early."
16 Jun 1962
"While Ward and June are out for the day, Beaver is convinced by his visiting friends, Gilbert and Alan, to split the cost of a long distance phone call to Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher, Don ..."
23 Jun 1962
"Ward decides to teach Wally a real-life lesson in economics by helping him and Beaver invest one hundred dollars in the stock market. But when the nice, solid utility stock recommended by ..."
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Season 6 - Leave It to Beaver
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18 Oct 1962
"Inspired to become a reporter by a visiting foreign news correspondent, Beaver runs to the local newspaper after school to apply for the open delivery boy position. But the job goes to a ..."
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15 Nov 1962
"When Eddie Haskell moves into a place of his own after a fight with his parents, best friend Wally and a kind landlady join forces to try to get the unhappy, but stubborn, teen to go back home."
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29 Nov 1962
"Wally accidentally breaks a headlight on his dad's brand new car after Eddie Haskell convinces him to give Lumpy Rutherford's broken down jalopy a jump-start push."
06 Dec 1962
"Beaver takes it personally when schoolmate Shirley makes fun of his hair; but when his efforts to tame his unruly locks don't go as planned, Beaver decides instead to follow troublemaker ..."
13 Dec 1962
"Beaver gains instant fame...and the inflated ego to go with it...when he catches the ball that wins the school football game."
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03 Jan 1963
"When Wally's girlfriend, Julie, stands him up to go out with an older boy who sports a moustache, Wally thinks that growing his own moustache will make him look more mature and help him win her back."
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14 Mar 1963
"Sulking because June made him do an errand for her instead of letting him help Wally and Eddie install a radio in Eddie's car, Beaver only speaks to her when necessary and starts playing up to his dad."
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04 Apr 1963
"Ward is happy to write a letter of recommendation to his old fraternity, Alpha Kappa, when Wally decides to attend his dad's alma mater, State College; but Wally finds himself in a real ..."
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18 Apr 1963
"Daunted by the length of \"The Three Musketeers\" that he chose to read for a school book report, Beaver writes his report from a movie version of the story instead, not realizing until too late that the movie he watched was a musical farce."
25 Apr 1963
"Ward's dilemma over which son to take to a major league baseball game after he's only given two tickets seems solved when Beaver decides to go with Gilbert to the movies...until Gilbert's ..."
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09 May 1963
"When Eddie Haskell's uncle gets his nephew a summer job on a commercial fishing boat in Alaska, Eddie makes it sound so exciting that Wally and Lumpy want to go too...until Eddie's ..."
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23 May 1963
"After Lumpy Rutherford puts exploding smoke bombs in Wally's and Eddie's cars, Eddie coaxes Wally into retaliating against Lumpy with their own practical joke. But real damage is done to ..."
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