Tripping the Rift

The continuing comic saga of a bizarre gang of misfits who live, work and play on the starship Jupiter 42, which is controlled by a neurotic A.I. known as Spaceship Bob. The ethically-challenged shipmates travel through the galaxy taking on one epic adventure at a time all while looking to make a quick buck and avoid getting thrown in jail.

Season 1 - Tripping the Rift
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25 Mar 2004
"Just before beaming down to the planet Snozzle, an irresistible packet of Clownzooka Chew-n-Spit gum materializes at Chode's feet. When he spits out the gum planet-side, he is immediately ..."
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08 Apr 2004
"Gus is recalled by Baltar Industries and replaced by a new Gus XP model while Chode's grandpa Benito comes to visit."
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22 Apr 2004
"Having been trapped in a plasma storm for nine days, the Jupiter 42 crew takes a holiday detour to Floridia 7 (a.k.a. the \"Spring Break Planet\") and are immediately forced by Dark Clown ..."
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13 May 2004
"With Bob critically damaged, Chode crash lands the Jupier 42 on the extremely violent planet Harmonia VII and goes in search of replacement parts."
20 May 2004
"Darph Bobo kidnaps Whip, then slices off one of Chode's tentacles during a light saber duel. Feeling like he's lost his masculinity, Chode retreats into his quarters leaving Whip Bobo's slave and T'Nuk in charge of the ship."
27 May 2004
"Chode steals T'Nuk's idea to win a peace prize (and a million Kronigs reward) by hooking up Darph Bobo's daughter Babette with Commander Adam's son Adam 12 so the war between the ..."
03 Jun 2004
"During girls-night at strip club The Full Moon, Six bumps into Ten, a male sex slave you once saved her live. To help him and his companions escape from bounty hunter Francis Boba Fett III,..."
Season 2 - Tripping the Rift
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03 Aug 2005
"Darph Bobo finds out his credit card is being used by Chode. He retaliates by taking over the Jupiter 42 and setting it on self destruct. Whip then comes up with a desperate plan to get ..."
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24 Aug 2005
"The crew walks out on Chode and find new jobs on a Cruiseship in space. Meanwhile, Chode hires a group of illegal alien aliens to run the Jupiter 42."
31 Aug 2005
"Chode bets his life-long rival Adam Shatner that Whip can beat Adam12 at the Intergalactic X-Games hover-board games. If Whip wins, Chode gets Adam's ship. If he loses, Adam gets Six."
14 Sep 2005
"When two Alien Greys try to scam Chode into paying for an accident they caused, he escapes through a time warp. This leads both ships to travel back in time and crash land on Earth near the lackluster town of Roswell."
21 Sep 2005
"The crew takes a holiday at Gillabus IV and find the entire planet celebrating the holiday of Clownza. Realizing the festivities are part of one of Darph Bobo's schemes, Chode invents his own rival holiday, 'Peacester'."
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12 Oct 2005
"Chode nearly chokes to death on a hamburger and resolves to change his selfish ways. Meanwhile, God and the Devil bet on which one of them will have to take Chode when his time comes."
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Season 3 - Tripping the Rift
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"Commander Adam forces Chode to testify against Darph Bobo in a murder case and puts him in a witness protection program until the trial. Settling down on a suburban planet under the name of..."
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