White House Plumbers

"Watergate was bad. They were worse."

The true story of how Nixon’s own political saboteurs and Watergate masterminds accidentally toppled the Presidency they were zealously trying to protect.

Season 1 - White House Plumbers
08 May 2023
"While Hunt and Dorothy entertain Liddy and his wife Fran at their exclusive country club, their kids Lisa and Saint John paint a less-than-perfect portrait of the family. Later, on the outs with Nixon's Attorney General John Mitch..."
15 May 2023
"Hunt, Liddy, and the Cubans attempt to break into the DNC offices at the Watergate to plant listening devices for the White House."
22 May 2023
"Reeling from the arrests at the Watergate, Hunt enlists Saint John's help to dispose of evidence, while Liddy warns the acting Attorney General that the burglaries can be tied back to President. Later, after returning from Paris, ..."
29 May 2023